Te Karere O Nui Tireni 1842-1846: Volume 1, Number 9: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

pp.35-36 Editorial expressing the desire to focus on publishing the meaning of the laws of the Pakeha, with special reference to those relating to the consequences of theft, and to expectations of the reactions and responsibilities of Maori leaders.
Makes special reference to an unspecified Ngāti Whātua incident and the conflict in evidence from witnesses. Informs that by law the final judgement for any crime will be given by the judge.
p.36 Letters to the Editor
From Tētahi o te Hunga e Whakaae ana [One of the People who Agree].
Supports temperance and the abolition of alcohol because drunkenness is on the rise. Requests Maori endorse a petition containing 120 Pakeha signatures to abolish alcohol consumption.
pp.36-37 Continuation from Vol. 1, No. 7:29. Concerns a Maori named Rāniera with his wife Mere and four children who are illustrated as having ideal living and working habits. Discussion of the balanced diet of potatoes and salted pork, cleanliness of body and clothes, the household duties of Mere, and the responsibilities of marriage.
pp.37-38 [Notices]
From Kaihau and others, listing the parishes visited by Hēmara.
Advice to write to the Editor in black so the words can be read.
Governor's policy for notification about Crown procedures.
The escape of Epeha.
Auckland and Kororāreka [Russell] addresses of the Huihuinga Tiaki [Protectorate of Aborigines].