Te Karere O Nui Tireni 1842-1846: Volume 4, Number 11: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

p.41 Editorial explanation of the reasons why Governor Pitiroi [Fitzroy] was returned by the Queen to England.
Notification of the publication of the journeys of Te Pōtete [Thomas Spencer Forsaith].
The new Governor
Announcement of the appointment of Governor Karei [George Grey], with the recommendation from his last posting that he is experienced at guiding the inhabitants from ignorance and in keeping the peace, of being intolerant of insubordination and lawlessness, and knowledgeable about governance.
pp.41-42 Suggestion that the reason for the undesirable behaviour and primitive understanding of Maori is a deviation from learning, and that a lack of fortitude to learn about Pakeha knowledge and practices will lead to death and destruction.
pp.42-43 The deceptive deeds of Matthew Hopkins
Discussion of witchcraft and wizardry as practised by the ancestors of the English to illustrate that these practices reveal a state of confusion and primitive existence. Description of the campaign by Matiu Hapikini [Matthew Hopkins, the Witch Finder General] in 1548 to expose how many of the populace of Queen Elizabeth I [1533-1603] practised witchcraft; description of the process for interrogating the accused by accuracy in prayer, lack of weeping, or ability to float in water while shackled. Explanation that disillusioned citizens shackled Matiu Hapikini and threw him into the river as food for the fishes, with the moral for Maori that witchcraft is improper.
pp.43-44 To the Maori leaders
Injunction to defeat and vanquish evil, with the explanation that transgressions exist because a mother strangles her last-born child, a son defies his father, and gloom pervades settlements, and with the conclusion that blood stains the springs of Tokerau.
p.44 The journey of Te Pōtete and Co.
Description of Te Potete's [Thomas Spencer Forsaith] journey to Waihou, and Whauwhauponamu; report of the pillage by the people of `Opita' aboard Te Mea's [Mair] ship, the capture and trial of a thief, eeling practices, the evidence and identification of thieves by Wiremu, and the judgement for theft passed by Te Pōtete [Thomas Spencer Forsaith].
To be continued.
A lament
Waiata [song] of acclamation for Te Wāka Nene for achievement.