Te Karere o Poneke 1857-1858: Volume 1, Number 43: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

p.1 Terms of subscription and advertising [in English]
From Te Pura [Buller] offering payment for live kiwi birds.
From Tāmati Huka (Thos Hooker) giving prices for milling flour at Pāpāwai.
From Hoani Waitere Te Haohao concerning two missing horses.
From C.W. Richmond (Te Retemana) naming approved Maori Assessors for Te Aorere.
From C.W. Richmond naming the approved Maori Assessor for Rotorua.
Reward of £3 from Wiremu Tāmati (William Thomas) for the return of his horse.
From Rōpata Paehe (Robt. Burgess) offering £25 reward regarding the slaughter of a bullock.
p.2 The law
Editorial explanation that legislation introduced by Govenor Gore-Browne is derived from ancient Pakeha laws and practices.
Explanation that as these laws must be known by all Maori the newspaper will take it upon itself to disseminate this knowledge.
pp.2-3 [Letter to Rīwai Rākeiora]
From Te Hoa Aroha, Ngāmotu, responding to Rākeiora's question as to what Te Hoa Aroha's reaction would be if someone attempted to steal his property [Vol. 1, No. 36:2]. Asserts that a person's life should not be sought as restitution for stealing a horse, cow or land because whereas these are treasures of men, a person is a holy treasure of God.
Explains that if anyone attempted to steal from him he would report him to a judge.
Relates the dispute when Rāwiri attempted to sell land to Te Kupa, and Katatore's objection, as well as the circumstances that led up to Rāwiri being killed by Katatore. Declares that as Rāwiri was unarmed when he was shot this act is judged as murder.
Refers Rīwai to a letter from Wī Tako Ngātata who also judges the act as murder.
Requests everyone turn to the ways of God, the law of the Government, knowledge, and the practices of the Bible to attain nobility.
p.3 Letters to the Editor
From Te Pura, Pōneke
Addressed to Ahitara in response to his discussion regarding alcohol consumption [Supplement to Te Karere o Poneke, 30 August 1858], requesting Ahitara to regard the many who are sick and dying because of alcohol and asking if this is the state Ahitara wishes to acquire.
From Ngātuere, Te Aro, Pōneke
Concedes that there is misunderstanding about the amounts of land being surveyed for the Government and the amount of land exchanged in order to establish a school for the education of Maori children. Believes that the conflict over land stems from different understandings.
Response from the Editor, arguing that the actions of the Government regarding land are for the benefit of the country.
pp.3-4 The burning of Auckland
Report from Te Karere Maori of Auckland regarding the burning of the Ohipere hotel on High Street and 50 other buildings. Account of the attempt by Colonel Winiata [Wynyard] and his soldiers to extinguish the fires, and by several named Maori.
Estimates £25,000 worth of damages to goods, and acknowledges contributions of £500 and £1729 0s.6d.
p.4 A letter from Pōtatau Te Wherowhero to the Governor
Submits a formal greeting referring to the governor as a parent of the Maori king. Requests a meeting to discuss faith, compassion and the law.
The conflict in India
Report from Te Karere Maori of Auckland seeking to inform the readership of the reasons for the conflict in India.
Market prices
Current market prices for foodstuffs and produce.