Te Waka o Te Iwi 1857: Volume 1, Number 1: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

[p.1] [Editorial]
From Hāre Rēweti [Charles Oliver Bond Davis]. Acknowledges the principal influence on the newspaper as the Bible, and the principal purpose to inform and uplift its Maori readership. Quotes Proverbs 8:34, 35.
Discusses the improvements Maori have made to gardens, fences and housing, and the construction of farm buildings for the storage of farm implements. Quotes Proverbs 12:10.
Gives advice regarding personal hygiene and quotes Book of Numbers 8:6, 7.
Advises Maori to consider operating flax mills because of the availability of the resource to Maori settlements, and quotes Proverbs 22:29 as reference.
Praises the customary practice of different groups supporting each other to cultivate the land and quotes Acts 2:44, 45 for reference.
Quotes Luke 21:3, 4 to dissuade against alcohol supply and consumption.
Advises against a desire for money as it is the source of all evil and the work of Satan. Quotes [1] Timothy 6:10.
Quotes Deuteronomy 32:35 and Romans 12:19 to oppose warfare.
Quotes 1 Thessalonians 5:22 as disapproval of tobacco.
Advises Maori not to seek guidance in the practices of Pakeha but to follow the ways of Jesus. Quotes 1 Thessalonians 5:21 as endorsement.
Quotes Isaiah 11:13-15, 17, 21-23 to support embracing Christianity.
Endorses the efforts of the Waikato Maori assembly and any endeavours to improve livelihoods.
[Letters to the Editor]
From Te Wētini Taiporutu, Te Au, Waikato
Notice of the collection of £2 15s from the people of Ngāti Hauā for Davis's publication.
From Te Wētini
Greets Davis by explaining that although, physically, the writer is at a distance, he is with Davis in spirit. Submits a waiata aroha [song of compassion]. Supports Davis's work and acknowledges hearing Davis speak the words of St. Paul at Ihumātao.
From Pita, Rota and others, Piako
Announcement from the assembly to support Davis and peaceable ways.
From Waata Kūkūtai, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Offers a scriptural quote, as support for Davis.
From Waata Kūkūtai, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Acknowledges receipt of correspondence from Davis and support for Davis. Discusses God as the source of goodness, faith and the well-being of the soul.
From Mohi, Pūkaki
Praises Davis's work.
From Te Kouorehua and Te Ruruku
Refers to Davis as the parent of all foreigners, children and women. Supports Davis's work.
From Tākerei Te Rau, Karakariki
Praises Davis's work and submits a waiata aroha [song of compassion].
[p.2] From Paeturi, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Acknowledges receipt of correspondence for Hēnere Ngāhiwi from Davis and praises the work of Davis. Refers to Maori as the black-skinned and Pakeha as the white- skinned.
From Āpera Kiwi Kūao, Whāingaroa
Praises Davis's work and agrees that goodness comes from God.
From Hōri Karaka, Waipiro, Tūranga
States that, although his people have no money, all will be well because they have belief in Christ. Praises Davis for his work.
From Te Waitere, Hangatiki, Waipā
On behalf of the Ngāti Maniapoto assembly, praising the work of Davis and acknowledging their faith in God.
Maintains the Maori heart is susceptible to the workings of the Devil, but that with the arrival of Christianity this can be overcome. Requests laws to abolish slavery, polygamy and land wars.
From Hēnere Ngāhiwi, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Praise and support for Davis.
From Tarahawaiki, Waikato
Greetings to and support for Davis. Notice of decision to build a house at Wharekawa. Submits a waiata [song] in reference to the new house.
From Perahama Tainui, Eruera Hauāuru, and Pātara, Waipā
Refers to several scriptural readings to reflect an understanding of their faith and how to abolish sin.
From Paeturi, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Supports Davis's communications regarding God, and likens Davis, as a parent to Maori, to God as a parent to Abraham. Quotes a statement by Te Haupā to Manukau. Refers to the different landing places of the Tainui and Te Arawa canoes in requesting possible locations for Davis's work with Maori people.
From Hauāuru [and 4 named others], Kohitāne, Waipā
Notice of decisions made by the assembly of 107 members of Ngāti Matakore regarding a vision about the country's future, with whakataukī [proverbs] from Matakore and Maniapoto. Submits waiata [songs] for Davis.
From Te Wētini Pakūkōwhatu, Hangatiki, Waipā
Greets Davis and submits a waiata aroha [song of support].
From Paikea, Ārama Karaka, Wiremu Tīpene, Pairama and the assembly, Ōtamatea
Notice of agreement to value the land at five shillings per acre.
From Te Kēpa Pereihe, Ākarana
Request for biblical readings.
From Wiremu Hoete, Waiheke
Associates Davis with the deed of [the ancestral hero] Māui-pōtiki in fishing up the land. Encourages Davis in his work.
From Maihi Mokongohi
Admits avoiding sin requires alertness, and submits a waiata [song].
From Rāniera Kāwhia, Tūranga
Offers a prayer to guide himself and Davis in their work and requests Davis reciprocate, to assist the writer with his work at a school.
From Hōri Karaka, Tūranga
Gives support to, and blesses the work of Davis.
From Āpera Kiwi, Whāingaroa
Acknowledges receipt of and support for Davis's correspondence, and notifies giving his group's contributions to Waata.
From Karaka Tomo, Tuakau
Compares spreading the word of God to the movement of the incoming tide.
From Rāharuhi Rukupō, Tūranga
Notice of the arrival and purchase of wheat.
From Mitai Pene Taui, Ōhaeawai
Addresses Davis as interpreter, and refers to a past encounter between the two when the writer was a new arrival to the district.
From Ringori Te Ao (Lawyer), Auckland
Praises Davis's work for God and requests Davis to continue uplifting the Maori people. Submits a waiata aroha [song of support].
[p.3] From Maihi Mokongohi, Waiau
Advises Davis be brave in his quest to spread the word of God, as both the writer and Davis are surrounded by many angry people.
From Te Waka, Manaia, Hauraki
Notice that the writer is now residing at Manaia.
From Parāone Tara, Parawaha, Hauraki
Acknowledges receipt of and support for correspondence from Davis.
Reports the funeral for Hauāuru at Taupō and the feelings of the people of Hauraki.
From Kītahi Te Taniwha, Waiau, Hauraki
Asks Davis if he agrees that Maori are wrong in helping Pakeha, and that Pakeha err in not helping themselves.
From Te Runanga o Ngāti Hē, Tauranga
Suggests that God, rather than land, be worshipped, and proposes that the strength of Satan caused the deaths of Kahoriki and Te Herewaka.
From Te Mutu Tākupu and Ngāi Te Rangi, Ōtūmoetai, Tauranga
Informs that guns and powder brought to Tauranga have been purchased by Tohi and taken to Maketū.
Submits a waiata [song].
From Kikikoi, Kāwhia
Opposes having to return some horses to Matiu and submits a waiata [song].
From Hōri Kīngi Pōkai Te Ruinga, Te Hūruhi, Waiheke
Discusses livestock barter.
From Ārama Karaka, Taupiri
Advises collection of money for the newspaper.
From Ngāti Pāoa, Waiheke
Agrees to give money for the newspaper.
From Ngāti Pāoa, Taupō
Agrees to support the newspaper and requests correspondence from Davis.
From Pāora Te Putu, Kōpūtauaki
Advises Davis to be strong in his work and submits a waiata [song].
From Karaitiana Kahe, Kōpūtauaki
Gives support for Davis.
From Ārama Karaka, Kaipara
Agrees to contribute funds for the newspaper.
From Ngāti Tamaterā, Hauraki
Discusses reasons for the amount of contribution to the newspaper.
From Pāora Te Āhuru, Te Wētini, Te Raihi and Ngāti Hauā, Maungakawa
Expresses support for Christianity and Davis, and submits a waiata [song]. Contributes £13.
From Hoani Papita and Wī Karamoa Takirau, Rangiaohia
Expresses support for Davis and submits a waiata [song].
Notice from the Editor that the newspaper is too small to print all the letters received.
Te Waka o te Iwi [second editorial]
Metaphorical description of the newspaper as a canoe and the passage it will navigate. Explains that no matter which canoe each group identifies with, the purpose of the newspaper is to bring everyone together through the Good Word. Concludes with a whakataukī [proverb].
The court
Supports a judgement made by Te Pekamu [Beckham] against Ngāti Whātua and Tapuika.
The news from this island
Maori and Pakeha of Auckland are living peaceably together.
Pakeha desire gum, wheat, potatoes and other produce.
Fighting between Paikea and Te Tirarau has ceased.
Decision to halt land sales.
Eight dead from the fighting between Te Moananui and Te Hāpuku.
Te Uri-o-Hau request five shillings per acre.
Fighting between Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Hē has ceased.
Alcohol consumption amongst Maori of Tokerau immense.
Te Wāka Nene and Eru Patuone support Pakeha.
Te Heuheu, Āpihai Te Tawa and others write to George Grey in Africa.
Property of Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāti Maru transported.
Rangatira Moetara spreads the word.
Maori assemblies make progress abolishing wrongs.
Maori newspaper sanctioned by Maori leaders.
Maori turning to Christianity.
Te Manihera [Maunsell] completes translating the Bible into Maori.
Ngāti Maniapoto's ship, Aotearoa, sells for £420.
Pukewhau and leaders of Waikato agree to destroy the road from Maramarua.
500 Pakeha migrate to Whakatū for gold.
Wī Tako and Te Honiana Te Puni deride the Maori newspaper.
Penalties of £15 and £8 5s brought against Ngāti Whātua and Tapuika.
Debt incurred by Te Kātipa Te Awarahi for a widow from Ōnehunga.
£135 not yet paid by Rāharuhi Rukupō to Te Waiti.
Conclusion of discussions by Te Huirama of Te Ngaungau regarding a mill.
Conclusion of discussions by Wiremu Maihi of Ngāti Pikiao regarding a mill.
Tapuika's ship sells for £860.
The news from overseas
Fighting between England and Iran has ceased.
Kanitaina [Constantine?] of Russia arrives to see Queen Victoria and the Emperor of France.
Fighting between England and China continues.
The Emperor of France murdered by his people.
Queen Victoria's daughter to marry Prince Frederick William of Prussia.
Fighting between England and India causes deaths of European women and children.
Starvation suffered in Africa where Governor George Grey lives.
England allows Hebrews to enter Parliament.
Uprising in Rome.
Queen of Spain subjected to civil unrest.
Uprising in Belgium.
Dimensions of a large English ship.
Flooding in Sydney.
Only one survivor of a capsized ship at Sydney.
Governor of Sydney arrives in Auckland.
Ministers of the Church of England spread the word.
Missionaries in India killed.
The heart of Calcutta regained and named by Pakeha.
Funding approved for the wedding of Queen Victoria's daughter.
A letter from Te Heuheu to his compassionate parent Governor Grey
Sends greetings to Grey and his wife. Acknowledges receipt of a letter from Grey that contained a waiata [song]. Requests the Governor return to New Zealand. Submits a waiata aroha [song of compassion].
From Governor Grey
Letter to Tāmati Ngāpora, acknowledging the recipient as the one who taught Grey about patupaiarehe [malign or beneficent sprites]. Requests the recipient and Pōtatau to live peaceably with Pakeha. Sends greetings to named others.
[p.4] A land retention notice from Te Māriri and all of Ngāti Wai
Also signed by Wiremu Taiawa, Manaia, and Tihewa, establishing boundaries for the Maori district of Aotea as surveyed by Captain Hira [Hill?]. Names the Maori settlements and submits a waiata aroha [song of endearment] for the land.
A land retention notice from Te Matewaru living at Kōpūtauaki, Mangungukaiota and Papaaroha
From named members of Ngāti Tamaterā establishing tribal boundaries.
A land retention notice from Miriama Hemara of Ngāti Rango
Advises land at Aropaoa is not to be sold by Te Uri-o-Hau.
A letter from Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke to the leaders of Ngā Puhi
Written on behalf of the assembly of Rangitihi and Whakaue. Discusses a dispute within Kaipara and the practices that have arisen. Requests a meeting be called to inform those involved of the opinion of people outside of the region. Advises Tī, Paraore, and Paikea each to return to their respective regions and obey the law.
Quotes a whakataukī [proverb] regarding the reputation of the people of Hongi Hika.
Suggests Te Tirarau be returned to his own district so that peace can be had by all.
Recounts the past progress of war from the Kaipara to Tāmaki and beyond, and its cessation at Kaipara, the arrival of the Bible and the anger of Pakeha.
Charges the perpetrators as having deceitful hearts and urges the warring factions to cease.
A message from Governor Grey and Te Heuheu
Notice from Maihi that the Governor has told Te Heuheu and Paewhenua that if the Crown agrees sale of settlements will cease.
A letter from Maihi Mokongohi to the leaders of Hauraki and other places
Condemns a deed, concerning land and money, by Horopeta against Davis with the consequence of Horopeta being imprisoned.
Explains the circumstances surrounding Horopeta's dishonesty towards Davis and the penalty.
The war of Te Hāpuku and Te Moananui
Offers reasons against fighting over land, and argues that people are more important than land.
Reports that the fighting began at Ahuriri with an attack by Ngāti Kahungunu.
Names those injured or killed in the fighting.
A letter from Waata Kūkūtai about a meeting at Paetai
Requests, on behalf of the assembly, that Davis publish the discussions from a tribal meeting.
Letter announcing discussions at the above-mentioned meeting and addressed to the Governor. Names all the tribal groups involved.
Resolves that the Governor should establish a law that sanctions Maori controlling Maori affairs and Pakeha controlling Pakeha affairs, as set down by Pōtatau with Grey.
Hōri Te Waiparu
Death notice for the above at Mangungukaiota, and cites Hebrews 12:10-13 and Psalms 23:4 as solace.
Hera Pāora Te Putu
Death notice for the above of Ngāti Pāoa with a waiata tangi [lament] for her.