Te Waka o Te Iwi 1857: Volume 1, Number 2: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

[p.5] [Editorial]
From Hāre Rēweti [Charles Oliver Bond Davis]. Advises against allowing vice into the heart and quotes Proverbs 4:23 and 1 Peter 4:3, 7 as reference.
Advises that God is the only author of the Bible and the benefit of abiding by his word. Quotes Corinthians 1:26, 27, 28.
Questions the merit of praying if vice still inhabits the heart. Quotes John 10:27.
Advises that God created everything including gold and silver. Quotes Genesis 39:3, 5; 1 Timothy 4:8. Requests pursuit of Christian ways and quotes Matthew 6:33.
Requests Maori adopt more civilised ways of living and quotes Romans 12:11.
To the Maori and Pakeha people of Auckland
From Waata Kūkūtai, regarding the amount of alcohol consumption by the people of Auckland. Requests Maori listen to the advice offered by the newspaper, and the experiences of the people from Hauraki, Kaipara, Ngāti Whakaue, and Waikato. Blames the introduction of alcohol by Pakeha for the wrongdoings of and detriment to Maori.
From Hāre Rēweti, support for the previous correspondence, but adds that Maori are also at fault regarding consumption of alcohol.
[Letters to the Editor]
From Rewi and Te Katea, Kihikihi
Denounces using gold and silver for purchasing guns rather than food and wheat.
Denounces the traditional practice of land ownership by women.
From the administrators of the assembly of Wiremu Te Paoro, Pūkeko
Offers support and a monetary donation for Davis's advice, and submits a whakataukī [proverb].
From Nuitone Haupokia Te Pakaru [and 3 named others], Ahuahu, Kāwhia
Acknowledges correspondence from Davis and supports following the word of God. Requests Davis send them two copies of his writings for discussion.
From Hōri Te Waru, Rangiaohia
Requests Davis send him a copy of his writings.
From Hōne Te One, Kāwhia
Notifies Davis that he has spoken to the people about the subject of blacksmiths.
From the people of Aotea [and 6 named others], Aotea
Acknowledges a meeting between Hōri and Davis at Ihumātao, and supports the idea of seeking a Pakeha to help set up and run a mill at Aotea.
From Mātena Te Rauparaha
Advises Davis to hold on to the Good Word.
From Wiremu Karamoa Takirau, Rangiaohia
Addressed to Davis and Pōtatau, supporting Davis's work and advising the assembly that Hoani Papita bears no ill-feeling towards Pakeha.
[p.6] From all of the assembly at Kōpua, Kōpua, Waipā
Offers support for Tāmati Para.
From Te Paerata and Te Ahipū, Waihora, Taupō
Offers support for Davis and submits a waiata aroha [song of support].
From Pāora Te Putu, Hauraki
An address of sorrow for Davis and Hera.
Notifies freight charges aboard his ship Te Ahiatūpari, comparable to those charged by Te Rōpiha and Tokiatāpiri.
From Hōri Te More, Kaipara
Apologises for having no money to give to Davis.
From Kīngi Hōri Te Waru
Supports seeking a Pakeha to help set up and run a mill at Aotea, and advises his support for a Frenchman.
Advises his intent to gather collections for Davis's newspaper.
From Waata Kūkūtai, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Encloses £3 13s from Wiremu Nēra Te Awaitaia and Hēmi Matini for Davis's newspaper.
From Tarahawaiki, Te Whakapaku, Waikato
Offers words of support for Davis, and submits a waiata [song].
From Tīpene Tahatika, Waikato
Advises he has spoken to the assembly about a mill.
From Waitere, Hangatiki, Waipā
Advises he has spoken to Hoani Papita about biblical principles. Submits £30 for Davis's newspaper.
From Wiremu Maihi Te Rangikāheke, Waitematā
Agrees with Davis's opinions about the ship, Tapuika.
Requests Davis live and work at Rotorua amongst the people of Te Arawa.
From Te Wētini Taiporutu, Te Au-o-Waikato
Supports the Scriptures and submits £10 from the assembly.
From Porokoru Titipa, Waikato
Offers support for Davis and denounces fighting with Pakeha. Submits a ngeri [chant].
From Toma Whakapō, Rangioawhia
Supports Davis and submits a waiata [song].
From Āpera Kiwi, Whāingaroa
Supports Davis and submits a waiata [song].
From the assembly, Hangatiki
Supports Davis and notifies of £20 and some flour collected for the benefit of a Pakeha.
From Pāora Te Āhuru of Ngāti Hauā, Auckland
Requests a meeting with Davis to discuss Davis's opinions.
From Tāmihana Te Rauparaha, Ōtaki
Addresses Davis as a Pakeha leader and agrees with Davis's opinions. Quotes his father, Te Rauparaha, as appreciating the worth of Pakeha to Maori.
From Waata Kūkūtai, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Praises Davis's work.
From Mitai Pene Taui, Ōhaeawai
Acknowledges receipt of Davis's correspondence and supports Davis's opinions.
From Wiremu Tana Papahia, I, Hokianga
Submits a tangi [lament] from his father, Papahia, regarding the milling by Pakeha of bush on his land.
From Hōne Te Paki [and others], Paetai
Supports Davis's opinions and submits a whakataukī [proverb].
From Rāniera Kāwhia (Teacher), Whareponga, Tūranga
Supports Davis's work.
[p.7] From Mohi, Pūkaki
Notifies Davis of the arrival of his child [the newspaper].
From Te Para Paerau, Pēwhairangi
Acknowledges receipt of Davis's correspondence and support for it.
From Tāmati Hapimana Te Rangituawaru, Tūranga
Acknowledges Davis's kindness to him and communicates the support of many for Davis.
From Hēnere Ngāhiwi, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Acknowledges Davis's motive as being directed by God.
From Hōne Rōpiha Ngāhiahia, Waikawa; Hangatiki, Waipā
Supports Davis's opinions and lists changes to be made to their doctrine.
From Hēnere Ngāhiwi, Tīhorewaru, Waikato
Expresses support for Davis's correspondence and submits a waiata [song].
From Ringori Te Ao (Lawyer Raupauna [?]), Auckland
Advises the arrival of Waata Kūkūtai, Ārama Karaka Te Ngātete and others, and requests the dispatch of iron goods for Ngāti Pikiao's mill.
From Pataropa Kātahi and Riwini Ngāputu, Pākautararua, Ōruru
Acknowledges receipt of Davis's correspondence and requests guidance for their orphaned selves. Submits a waiata [beseeching song].
From Te Puru Ngāti, Ōruru, Muriwhenua
Requests a reply from Davis regarding his waiata [song].
From [unnamed], Pūkaki
Expresses support for Davis and acknowledges receipt of correspondence regarding Pukekohe.
From Timoti Tūmata and the assembly, Te Rotomarama
Summarises the benefits of the word of God. Discusses the effects of Pakeha influences on Maori. Lists the traditional practices thought to be discarded by his people.
Te Waka o te Iwi [second editorial]
Metaphorical account of the journey of the newspaper.
The news from this island
Collection of contributions for the newspaper continues.
Peace between Te Hāpuku and Te Moananui.
Ngā Puhi assemble for flag-raising at Maiki.
Maori assemblies working hard.
Maori goldmining at Nelson.
Maori amassing guns and powder.
Ngāti Pāoa sell Piako for £1100.
Ngāti Whanaunga's mill at Waiau soon to close.
Prices for bushels of wheat and flour.
Ngāti Porou plan to build a flour mill at Heretaunga.
£500,000 from England to buy land in New Zealand.
Pāora Te Putu and Pita Taurua looking for gold.
Ngākapa to build a flour mill at Wharekawa at the junction of Maramarua.
Two marriages performed by Maori ministers.
Pakeha-owned flax mills closing.
Maori assemblies not yet fully established.
The news from overseas
A large Indian city falls in the war between India and England.
Bonaparte visits Alexander, Emperor of Russia.
Crowds gather to listen to a woman travelling and preaching on the roads of England.
Ministers from the Church of England campaign for the Good Word.
The war between England and China continues.
From Ngātini and Kerehama, Ngunguru
Requests publication of the letter reporting Wiremu Pohe's wrongdoing against them and their land.
Address to Tainui's bravery upon the water
From Rewi Maniapoto, a metaphorical address to the warriors of Tainui.
John the Apostle
Explanation of the genealogy, occupation and work of John the Apostle with Jesus Christ.
[Notices from Hāre Rēweti]
To the people concerned with the sale of ships.
To the people interested in supplying iron for the construction of flour mills.
Reward of £5 for information about theft of livestock from Maungakiekie.
[p.8] Land retention notice
From Te Māriri and all of Ngāti Wai, listing tribal boundaries and settlements. Submits a waiata aroha [song of compassion] for the land.
Land retention notice
From Wiremu Te Paoro and his people, listing tribal boundaries and settlements.
A land retention notice
From Waata Kūkūtai and the assembly, listing tribal boundaries and settlements.
Land retention notice
From Ngāti Porou, of Heretaunga, listing tribal boundaries and settlements.
Land retention notice
From Pōtiki Te Tiaka and the assembly of Ōmangawaha, listing tribal boundaries and settlements.
Land retention notice
From Hoera and Te Au of Pūkaki, listing tribal boundaries and settlements. Submits a waiata [song].
Haimona Pita Tamatūao
Obituary, for Tamatūao of Ngāti Whātua, Kaipara, from Pāora Kāwharu with whakapapa [genealogy].
To the assemblies
From Hāre Rēweti, requesting discussion and response to his suggestions regarding improving lifestyles and habits.
From the Bible
Translations by Manihera [Maunsell] of extracts from the Old Testament.
The end