p.25 |
Death notice
Hiraka Te Aroatua at Mataweka.
Tereaka Te Hata, at Te Awenui, a chief of the Whakatōhea tribe.
Dates and times of sunrise and sunset.
From Te Wananga, asking readers to keep news items and letters coming into Te Wananga. Contains metaphoric language.
Concerns a journey made by two members of Te Wananga's committee to seek for ways agreed to by all Maori, to extend Te Wananga to all people.
Market prices
Current market prices from Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin for vegetables and livestock.
pp.25-26 |
Maori tangi [funeral] for Sir Donald McLean
Reports on the funeral service held for Sir Donald McLean. Speakers included prominent Maori who spoke concerning Sir Donald's years as Native Minister, Sir Donald's son, Douglas, and Mr Ormond.
[English translation included.]
pp.26-27 |
Funeral of Hiraka Te Aroatua
Description of a funeral which took place at Waipukurau, Sunday 21, attended by 200 Maori and 100 Europeans, and was conducted in the Christian manner, the eulogy being read by the Rev. G.M.D'Arcy Irvine. Mr Russell and Mr Sheehan also attended.
[English translation included.]
p. 27
Mr Sutton v. Mr Tiffen
Report of a letter that appeared in the Hawke's Bay Herald referring to the damage Mr Sutton had done to the property market in Hawke's Bay.
[English translation included.]
pp.27-28 |
Trustees under the Maori Real Estate Management Act
Lists the names of Maori trustees appointed to manage particular blocks of Maori land, and lists the names of the people the trustees act for.
[English translation included.]
p.28 |
Native Land Court sittings
Notice of a forthcoming sitting of the Land Court in Cambridge, Waikato, where issues relating to land near Auckland will be heard. Suggests that it is time for a Resident Land Court judge to be appointed to Hawke's Bay, as it has been three years since any sittings were held in this area.
[English translation included.]
The election of Sir Donald McLean's successor in the Assembly
The speaker of the House has notified the vacancy and the candidates are Messrs. Buchanan, Tiffen and Rhodes; Mr Sutton has withdrawn.
[English translation included.]
pp.28-29 |
The disputed cases of County elections
The Resident Magistrate has upheld Colonel Whitmore's election to the riding of Clive.
Sydney Johnson's election to the Riding of Waipukurau has been declared void, forcing a new election.
[English translation included.]
p.29 |
Kakīrāoa and Te Awa-a-te-atua
Report of Hawke's Bay Maori signing deeds of sale to Messrs Watt, stating that the Maori owners have requested Mr Sheehan to divide the money and to apportion the reserves.
[English translation included.]
For Hōri Wharerangi, advising the subscription of £1.1.6d is for the full year, right through to December.
For Horomona Tūkati, states that his letter has arrived requesting a subscription, but the money is not enclosed with the letter.
The Rev. Chapman, died aged 85, while bathing in the hot spring known as Hinemoa, on Mokoia Island, Rotorua. States that Chapman displayed superhuman heroism in his work with Maori, which went unacknowledged. Describes Chapman's deeds, in particular, his prevention of acts of cannibalism, and laments the passing of many of the older missionaries who died without being properly thanked for their efforts to civilise New Zealand.
[English translation included.]
p.30 |
[Brief news item]
Concerns the ordaining of Pineaha Mahauriki, as a minister of the Christian church by the Bishop of Wellington. Reports that people of many religions arrived to witness this event, and although there had been many troubles for his tribe, he had remained strong in his faith.
[English translation included.]
pp.32-35 |
Meeting of Hoani Nahe, M.H.R. with his constituents in Waikato
Report of a meeting between Nahe and the people of Waikato, which was delayed because of deaths in the tribe. States that the chiefs of the upper Waikato were invited to meet Nahe and some addressed the meeting. Provides details of the speeches that were made during the meeting.
The report continues with a description of the events following the speeches made at the dinner, which lasted the whole night.
The writer asks that Te Wananga print this report in full, and it is signed by Pēpene Eketoru.
[English translation included.]
p.35 |
Reports from a Parliamentary select committee
Petition from Matiaha Mōkai and four others, concerning the awarding of a Crown grant for land at Te Ahikouka, Wairarapa. Reports that the Select Committee has asked the Native Office to investigate the delay in issuing the grant.
Petition from Rāwiri Te Wānui and 14 others, requesting that land situated between Manawatū and Rangitīkei be returned. States that the case is currently before the Native Land Court, therefore the Select Committee cannot act.
Petition from Moroati Kiharoa and 7 others, requesting that the Committee overturn a sale of land belonging to the deceased, Te Patatone, at Manawatū. Replies that the Committee does not have the power to do so.
Petition from Pitihira Te Kuru and 35 others, disagreeing with the sale of land between Rangitīkei and Manawatū belonging to Tākuta Petatone, and stating that they will not be taking the payment offered. Refers to land at Himatangi, Manawatū, but reports that the Select Committee is not clear as to the right for them to stay on the land and are unable to make a clear decision.
States that the House has no jurisdiction on the second matter.
pp.35-36 |
House of Representatives
Concerns a discussion by Sheehan on various arguments for and against the abolition of the provincial governments. Questions the Government's authority to abolish the provinces, and states that Maori tribal groups will not benefit from the abolition.
States that the provinces of Otago and Auckland argue against the Bill as they will lose autonomy, and that Sheehan suggests that the issue of validity be decided by the Supreme Court, but Parliament do not agree with his suggestion.
[English translation included.]
pp.36-37 |
From Hōhepa Tamamutu and 11 others
Advising a meeting of the head chiefs of Ngāti Tūwharetoa to decide the venue for the 1877 meeting.
[English translation included.]
From Marumaru, Pārewanui, Rangitīkei
Describes the good work of Te Wananga which caused the demise of Te Waka Maori. Also states that the Native Department is still working.
Asks that the letter be forwarded to several others: Sheehan, Governor Grey, Mr Whitaker, Mr Stout, Mr Read, Mr Taiaroa and to Hōne Nahe.
Also calls for the sacking of Mr Booth, of the Native Office.
Contains tauparapara [ritual chant].
From Hāmi Tuhimata, Whakatāne
Expresses support for Hōne Nahe and asks that he do something to have the confiscated lands of the Whakatāne people returned.
From Rahurahu Rongotua, Mangakuta, Masterton
Praises Te Wananga as a messenger to the Maori people, and states that people would be better to spend their money on Te Wananga than to waste it buying alcohol. Advises that each and every tribal group should gather money to be used to support Te Wananga.
pp.37-38 |
From Te Rēwiti Te Hiakai, Waipapa at Kaikōura
Suggests that Te Wananga stops using the words Tihei mauriora [sneeze and there is life] in the letterhead, and says that until Maori have their lands returned to them there can be no life.
Also states that the Government has forgotten Maori people, that Pakeha are united through law against Maori, and asks for the return of Maori land not paid for.
p.38 |
From R.H.Tuhokairangi, Mangakuta, Masterton
States that when a person is sick, the doctor should be called and if the person has no money or relatives, then a local committee should gather together to help with the expenses. Also states that Maori need a doctor to make things well again and Maori should unite to make sure it happens; suggests that God could be that doctor.
From Timi Parāone, Whitianga
Stresses that the land should belong to future Maori descendants and that hope for this is within the pages of Te Wananga.
From Hōhepa Tamamutu (and six others)
Supports Te Wananga's journey amongst Maori people to seek for ways to distribute the paper.
From Īhaka Kāpō, Korongatā
Expresses support for Sir Donald McLean, and sorrow at his death. Contains a waiata aroha [song of sympathy].
From Hāmi Mataora, Maraetaha
Expresses sadness at the work of Pakeha and contains a whakataukī [saying] which describes his feelings. States that the land belongs to the whole tribal group, not just to those listed on the Crown grant, yet it is these people who may sell the land without consulting others.
p.39 |
From Rora Nonoi, Korongatā
Expresses sorrow at the death of Sir Donald McLean, and contains a waiata tangi [lament].
From Poihipi Tūkairangi (and others)
Describes a memorial service held for Sir Donald McLean at which Poihipi Tūkairangi spoke. Others speakers were Hōhepa Tamamutu, Te Papanui Rēweti Te Kume and Hauāuru of Waikato. Contains two waiata tangi [laments].
The steamer, Manaia
Contains timetable for service between Napier and Wairoa.
From Mānihera Toti warning people not to allow stock to graze on his land.
[English only.]
The hospital for Hawke's Bay
Concerns the hospital proposed for Hawke's Bay, and praises the people who have given money and land for the hospital.
p.40 |
Notice to all Maori tribes of New Zealand
Concerns a meeting at Whakatāne. May be held instead at Pākōwhai in the first week of March 1877.
[English translation included.]
Advertisement from Te Wara, who sells and repairs watches.
Describes a missing horse, any sightings to be reported to the police.
From Piripi Māri and Tūnuiārangi Parāone, Hinana, Wairarapa
Advising their intention to occupy land at Maungarake. Lists the boundaries. Adds that stock on this land is to be removed prior to 1 February 1877 or it will be sent to the animal pound.
From Paratari, advising the arrival of new stock in his store at Taradale, where he sells saddles and equipment for horses.
[Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand]
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.