Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 5, Number 38: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

p.465 Advertisement from Rēneti and Co., listing the clothing items available from their store.
Advertisement from Pairini and Co., advising that they sell iron goods.
p.466 Notice from Raraka and Parahi, advising the guns and related accessories they have for sale.
My notice to all Maori
From Mr Rees informing Maori of his office hours.
Notice to all people of New Zealand, Wairarapa, Taranaki, Napier and Gisborne
From Mr. Rees, lawyer of Napier, advising that land leases should be registered.
Notice to all Maori
Subscription notice from Te Wananga, with price for one year's subscription.
[English translation included.]
Notice from Doctor Tera, advising that he will be setting up in practice at Waiapu.
pp.466-467 [Editorial]
Commentary compares the industrious nature of Pakeha to Maori. Suggests that Maori will never rise to any degree of success unless they give up their communal ways.
[English translation included.]
p.467 The news
Maori meeting at Taupō
Advertises a meeting to be held at Ōruanui.
[English translation included.]
Question by Hōri Karaka
Asks that the number of Maori members of Parliament be increased.
[English translation included.]
pp.467-468 The murder at Waiapu
Report on the trial for the murder of Hīria Whakarau at Waiapu. Comments on the good work done by Maori members of the jury.
England's refusal to enforce Berlin Treaty
Reports that Britain's refusal to enforce the treaty on Turkey has been confirmed.
[English translation included.]
Reports increased volcanic activity on Mount Vesuvius.
pp.468-469 Statement on Native Affairs
Report from the Native Minister on the state of Maori.
[English translation included.]
pp.470 Parliament
The Maori representation bill
Report from Parliament of the Maori representation bill debate, during which Hōri Karaka Tāwiti, Taiaroa and Hoani Nahe spoke. Reports discussion of the double vote for some Maori and Tāwiti's discussion of the voting age.
[English translation included, p.472.]
p.471-472 Deaf and dumb asylum
Reports on a proposal that an asylum should be established.
[English translation included, p.472.]
Mangahoe land, the South Island
Request made by Taiaroa for the title to be given to the Mangahoe inlet.
[English translation included, p.472.]
Marlborough and Nelson lands
Request from Taiaroa to the Native Minister to explain the situation of Maori ownership of lands in Marlborough and Nelson districts.
[English translation included, p.472.]
Native disturbances
Reports on a refusal of Maori at Māhia to allow a Court enquiry [reason for enquiry not specified].
[English translation included.]
p.473 [Letters to the Editor]
From R.Ahunuku Hurahura Kāwhena Kehi, Ōweta, Tūranga
Obituary for his daughter, Kararaina Iranui. Contains a waiata apakura [lament].
From Ēnoka Rukuatai and other signatories
Comments that they agree with the notice by Mr Rees as to land leases [Advertisement placed in each issue of Te Wananga]. Provides an example concerning their lands at Puoateroku.
From Matiaha Te Uraoterangi, Waipoapoa, Wairarapa
Disputing a judgement made by Ngā Tuere of Wairarapa labelling him as a thief. Concerns land at Te Ahikouka which he claims is his by ancestral right. Provides some whakapapa [genealogy] to support his claims.
pp.473-474 From Hēnare H.Hau, Waimate
Describing the lands in the north that contain goldfields. Details the geography and discusses how Pakeha want to lease the lands.
From Morona Hāwea, Pourerere
Discusses the whakapapa [genealogy] of Te Kahu-o-Te-Rangi, in reference to the writer's ownership of a Crown grant to land at Te Āpiti and Te Kairākau.
From Te Wātene Te Ranginui and other signatories
Refers to a notice placed in Te Wananga [15 June 1878] concerning the decision to award the land at Papakai to Matuahu. Discusses the notice and asks the writers to clarify their intentions.
From Ānaru Tuhokairangi and other signatories, Waipoapoa
Concerns the fencing of land at Hurunuiorangi by Hirini [?] and his tribal group. States that the land belongs to Ngāti Tāpuke and questions the legality of the fences.
From Īhaka Kāpō and Rora Pōneke, Korongatā
Complaining about the behaviour of people at Pakipaki who are impounding horses.
From Īhaka Te Riaki, Matehe and Wiremu Popene [Pēpene?], Te Pāhou, Māhia
Discusses the ways Maori resources are decreasing and disappearing.
pp.474-475 Notice from Te Hāpuku instructing that Lake Poukawa not be drained after his death.
From Te Harawira Te Tātere and other signatories, Te Hauke
Repeat of Vol. 5, No. 22:282.
p.475 Notice from Papu (Robert Finlayson), warning debtors to repay or be dunned.
The racehorse, Terenga
Stud notice advising the qualities and pedigree of the horse, Terenga, and that he is now available for stud purposes. States that the service fee is £5 per mare.
p.476 Notice from Wiremu Hāra, advising Te Peneha that if he does not fetch his property within 21 days, it will be sold to defray costs.
Notice from the Editor to Teone Rehu advising that his copy of Te Wananga will be sent to Hoani Rehu, Moeraki.
Letter from Hēnare Tōmoana, advising his reasons for not answering two letters sent to him.
[English translation included.]
Employment notice from Pāora Rōpiha, requesting people willing to work his lands. States the remuneration offered.
[English translation included.]
Notice to the people
From Manoe and Company, advertising alcohol, tea, sugar, flour and other commodities for sale.
Notice from Rēnata Kawepō, advising that he has put a gate on his land to prevent his horses from being impounded.
[English translation included.]
Notice from A.W.Paromapira, advertising that he will commence work as a lawyer in Gisborne.
From Te Mira, warning Maori that it is illegal to play cards while travelling on the trains as per rule 31.
Notice advising the location of the Te Wananga office in Hastings Street, Napier.
[Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand]
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.
[English translation included.]