Te Wananga 1874-1878: Volume 5, Number 47: Abstract
Intro to Abstracts

p.581 Advertisement from Rēneti and Co., listing the clothing items available from their store.
My notice to all Maori
From Mr Rees informing Maori of his office hours.
Notice to all people of New Zealand, Wairarapa, Taranaki, Napier and Gisborne
From Mr. Rees, lawyer of Napier, advising that land leases should be registered.
Notice to all Maori
Subscription notice from Te Wananga, with price for one year's subscription.
[English translation included.]
Notice from A.W.Paromapira, advertising that he will commence work as a lawyer in Gisborne.
p.582 Notice from B.Wehipeka advising that he is starting his medical practice and specialises in illnesses of the ears, throat and eyes.
Public notice
From the Editor
Refuting the statements made in a letter published in Te Wananga, Vol.5, No.27:342, which was from `all Te Arawa'.
pp.582-584 [Editorial]
Discusses Maori electoral rights and outlines the background to the Maori franchise.
[English translation included.]
pp.584-585 The news
False information given
Report from the Taranaki Weekly that suggests false information coming from Europeans is alarming Maori living at Parihaka. Suggests that Europeans are warning Maori that armed forces are on the way to drive them out. States that the local militia is instead preparing to capture the fugitive, Hiroki, who is recuperating at Parihaka. Refutes statements that armed forces are on their way on board the Hinemoa.
[English translation included.]
p.585 [The news]
Volunteers for war
Announces that Bhopal is preparing to arm troops to aid India.
[English translation included.]
Oil well
Reports that a Russian oil well in the Caspian Sea produces 10,000 gallons per day.
[English translation included.]
R.M. for Napier
Announces the appointment of a resident magistrate for Napier.
[English translation included.]
Reports that Rewi [Maniapoto] has invited Sheehan to visit Waitara.
[English translation included.]
Chiefs in Auckland
Reports that 15 chiefs and priests have arrived in the Aotea district to open a Hauhau chapel.
[English translation included.]
Reception of the Premier
Reports that a committee has been formed in Whāngārei to organise a reception for the Premier's visit.
[English translation included.]
Report from the Otago Daily Times stating that Taiaroa has been called to the Upper House of Parliament.
[English translation included.]
The Premier of New Zealand
Report from the Auckland Herald of the forthcoming visit by the Premier to Australia to discuss arrangements for closer economic relations.
[English translation included.]
p.586 [The news]
Seed of wheat
Provides the number of seed found in 1lb each of wheat, barley and oats.
[English translation included.]
Lord's prayer
Reports that a Paris company is publishing the Lord's prayer in 1200 languages.
[English translation included.]
Power of man when in earnest
Suggests that man is worthless unless he has purpose in life.
[English translation included.]
Change of name
Expresses delight at the change from `Newcastle' back to Ngāruawāhia.
[English translation included.]
Royal mint
Reports the sovereign production figure from the Royal mint.
[English translation included.]
Reports that Rewi and other chiefs are anxious that the railway proceeds quickly to connect Auckland with Waikato.
[English translation included.]
The bayonet
Provides a brief history on the origin of the bayonet.
[English translation included.]
p.587 [The news]
Queen Victoria
Reports that Queen Victoria has reigned for 41 years.
[English translation included.]
Female lawyers
Reports that there are three successful women lawyers in Chicago.
[English translation included.]
Order of the Pope
Reports that all female members of families residing at the Vatican are being removed.
[English translation included.]
First bank
Reports that the Lombard Jews established the first bank in AD. 808.
[English translation included.]
Antiquity of insurance
Discusses early insurance practices.
[English translation included.]
Treaty of Berlin
Reports that the Emperor of Russia is hoping to bring peace to occupied territory.
[English translation included.]
Ameer means fighting
Report from the Allahabad Pioneer, outlining the Ameer's attack plans.
[English translation included.]
British instructions to Ameer
Reports that Britain has ordered the Ameer to preserve neutrality.
[English translation included.]
Sir George Grey
Reports that Grey's visit to the Australian colonies has been deferred.
[English translation included.]
Land ring at Waikato
Report from the Herald states that land rings are attempting to force a split between Tāwhiao and Rewi, but so far with no result.
[English translation included.]
p.588 [The news]
Rebellion in Afghanistan
Report from the Allahabad Pioneer about the rebellion and the Ameer's attempts to restore order.
Also reports that the sickness at Peshawar is abating.
[English translation included.]
Colonial Secretary of New Zealand
Report from the Herald discussing the reason for Whitmore's forthcoming retirement from his position in the Ministry.
[English translation included.]
Envoy to Carbul
Reports that the Sultan is requesting the Ameer submit to England.
[English translation included.]
Hostility of Ameer
Reports that the Ameer is hostile to all and has been given one last chance to remain neutral.
[English translation included.]
Tribes tendering service to Britain
Reports that an Afreedee tribe has offered their services to Britain and that the Ameer's troops are on the move.
[English translation included.]
Czar of Russia
Reports that the Czar has agreed to honour the Treaty of Berlin.
Also reports that Germany has decided to occupy the entire Samoan group.
[English translation included.]
White residents in Fiji
Gives the number of white residents as 1,500.
[English translation included.]
pp.588-589 [The news]
Governor Grey
Report from the Bay of Plenty Times expressing support for Sir George Grey.
[English translation included.]
p.589 Notice of Cyprus
Provides a history of occupation and ownership of Cyprus.
[English translation included.]
American Congress
Provides a brief breakdown of the occupations of the members of the American Congress.
[English translation included.]
p.590 Proposals made by Sir George Grey to Tāwhiao at meeting at Hikurangi on the 10 May 1878
Lists seven proposals made to Tāwhiao in respect of joint administration of the Waikato area: that Tāwhiao will be the administrator of the Waikato district with the assistance of the Government; that the Government will give him 500 acres at Ngaruawāhia and build him a house at Kāwhia; that any land not yet sold to Europeans will be returned to Tāwhiao; that Tāwhiao can select sites within Waikato townships; that no roads be built or surveys take place without Tāwhiao's permission; that the Government will make provision for the supply of agricultural equipment.
[English translation included.]
p.590 [Letters to the Editor]
From Hapi Hīnaki and other signatories, Tūranganui
Notice advising their intention to deal strictly with any infringements to the committee's rules for the administration of the Tūranga area between Tūranganui and Ūawa rivers.
From Wiremu Pepere [Pēpene?] and three others [named], Whāngārei
Petition from the owners of land at Paranui, demanding that their land be returned to them. States that it was wrongly taken in a survey.
p.591 From Te Rupapera Te Aotakahirangi, Waihīrere
Report that Ngāti Kahungunu destroyed the telegraph line. Asks when it can be repaired.
From Hoani Tātare and Raihania Waipapa, Te Waipatu
Written on behalf of Īhaka Te Riaki and others, whose food resources are disappearing from their area. States that a fence was built but this also has disappeared.
From Waiheke Puha, Maruhou
Welcomes the new Government and warns them to be careful not to allow problems to escalate.
From Hēnare Mahuika, Kaiapoi
Complains that Ngāti Toa has been paid for part of the lands in the South Island that belongs to Ngāi Tahu. Gives a history of the land and expresses indignation that the Government could pay a Waikato tribal group for land in the South Island.
From Hue Te Hūri and the Raukawa Committee, Houhou, Rangitīkei
Reports that a meeting was held at Te Houhou. Lists the tribal groups who attended and some of the speakers.
From Mr. A.K.Tūhawaiki, Ruapuke
Disputes a report in the Otago Herald claiming that Mantell is the father of Maori living in the South Island. States that a committee visited Parliament to ask for the return of Rarotoka Island as it had been wrongfully taken.
From Īhaka Te Riaki, Pāhou, Māhia
Asks readers not to fall into sinful ways.
p.592 From Wī Hopiona and three others [named]
Asking for the return of land at Ngāumutawa, Wairarapa. States that he has sent letters to the Bishop, to the church in England and to Grey and Sheehan requesting the land. States that he had also spoken to the previous government about this matter.
From Karauria Te Pei, Hōne Whāriki and Eru Pōhatu
Complaining about the sale and consumption of alcohol and about the encroachment of sheep farming into their area.
From Pinihana Te Rito, Kākāriki
Contains a powhiri [traditional greeting] to Te Wananga and asks them to continue to guide Maori by using the whakataukī [sayings] of Horomona Kīngi [King Solomon?].
From Heta Matua, K.W.M., Pōrangahau
Discusses the contents of Te Wananga and asks readers to stop sending useless contributions. States that the articles about land sales, leases and mortgages are helpful and discusses information about gun licenses.
From Pakara Hēnare, Ōhinemuri
Provides a letter from his father to a Pakeha, Hēnare Rorirori [Rhodes?], concerning trees on the Waihou river. Gives the boundaries of the land in question.
From Maika Pikaka, Waikouaiti
Notifying the death of a newborn child. Gives the whakapapa [genealogy] of the child as one of the parents is from Rangiriri, Waikato and is married to a Ngāi Tahu person.
pp.592-593 From Kereama Hērangi, Pōneke
Obituary for Te Wirihana Rore. Contains a brief genealogy.
From Ōtene Pōmare, Rākaipaaka
Disputing a land claim by Āreta Aputu. Gives the boundaries of the disputed land and discusses a previous meeting at which the ownership was discussed. States that the land, Rākaipaaka, was not surveyed and the boundaries have only just been discussed.
From Kupu Matera, Kawakawa, Waiapu
Complaining that it is a waste of money to publish animal pound notices and death notices in Te Wananga but agreeing with articles concerning land issues and wars. Contains a genealogy and history about Whironui and uses pepeha [sayings] in explanation.
From Kererū K.Tarawhiti, Taupiri, Waikato
Describes the events at an election. States that the two candidates were Mikimini [?] and Whitaker.
p.594 From Hamahoua Wiki [Hamahona Wiki?] and two others [named]
Warning against lighting fires on their land between Maruhou and Orutua.
From Te Hemorere and Hēnare Ngātaura, Matakaraka, Whangaroa
Obituary for a child, Īhaka. Describes the circumstances of his death and contains a waiata tangi [lament].
pp.594-595 Notice from Te Hāpuku instructing that Lake Poukawa not be drained after he has died.
From Te Harawira Te Tātere and other signatories, Te Hauke
Repeat of Vol.5, No.22:282.
p.595 Notice from Hēnare Hira giving race results from Pakipaki.
Notice from Raraka and Parahi, advising the guns and related accessories they have for sale.
Notice from Tereina and Kahitana, advising the opening of their new clothing store, listing some of the merchandise.
Notice from Ngāmare Hakaria describing a horse he has found.
[English translation included.]
The racehorse, Terenga
Stud notice advising the qualities and pedigree of the horse, Terenga, and that he is now available for stud purposes. States that the service fee is £5 per mare.
Notice of horses lost
From Rōre Rangiheuea describing missing horses with a drawing of the owner's brand mark.
Notice from Rēnata Kawepō, Arihi Te Nahu, Te Wātene Hāpuku and Rēnata Pukututū, Te Hauke
Announcing a rāhui [ban] on the taking of eels from Lake Rotoakiwa.
[English translation included.]
Notice from Māta Heipora, Pōrangahau, advising access rights to his lands at Kakewahine Block.
[English translation included.]
From Te Mira, warning Maori that it is illegal to play cards while travelling on the trains as per rule 31.
[Napier, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand]
Te Wananga is printed by Henry Hill and published by Hēnare Tōmoana.
[English translation included.]