Nau mai, haere mai ki Ātea. Welcome to Ātea – a
Science for Technological Innovation National Science
Spearhead Project. Through this web-portal you will
find examples of content and technological
innovations that draw on Māori protocols and world
views to connect Māori to their knowledge, language,
culture, histories, stories and to each other.
Nau mai, haere mai ki Ātea. He kaupapa Pūtaiao ki te
Hinonga Hangarau [Spearhead] Auaha-ā-motu. Mā tēnei
tomokanga-ipurangi, ka kitea iho ētehi tauira
ihirangi me ētehi hangarau auaha e tō mai nei i te
tikanga Māori me ngā tirohanga o te ao kia hono te
Māori ki tōna ake mātauranga, reo, ahurea, hītori,
pūrākau me te tūhonohono hoki ki ētehi anō Māori.